Thursday, September 13, 2007

Health News

Study finds spinach, eggs ward off cause of blindness Mon Sep 10, 7:28 PM ET
CHICAGO (Reuters (excerpts)

- Two nutrients found in eggs, spinach and other leafy green vegetables offer some protection against the most common cause of blindness among the elderly, researchers said on Monday.

Age-related macular degeneration affects 1.2 million Americans, mostly after age 65, and the irreversible condition gets gradually worse, robbing victims of the center of their vision. Many people may be susceptible due to genetic factors, while smoking is known to heighten the risk.

The two nutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin, are both carotenoids -- compounds that give many fruits and vegetables a yellow color. They help ward off the condition, apparently by allowing the eyes to filter harmful short-wavelength light and by curtailing other damaging effects to the macula, or the center of the eye's retina, the researchers said.

The 6-year study asked about the dietary habits of 4,519 people aged 60 to 80 when enrolled.
Those in the top fifth of dietary consumption of foods containing the two nutrients had 35 percent less chance of developing the condition compared to those in the lowest fifth of consumption.

Foods considered good sources of the nutrients include eggs, spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, corn, garden peas and Brussels sprouts.

1 comment:

Pilar Villegas Cuevas said...

I eat eggs very seldom. From now on I will try eating at least three times a week. Spinach and brocolli I like most. Thanks again Ms. Orionjri for healthy write-ups.