this is the book written by bernard Ward. According to him this book is offered as reference volume only, not a medical manual. It is not intended to take the place of medical advice from our physician. The following are some of the healing foods that you will read in this book: Onions, Garlic, Yogurt, Wine Grapes, Fish,Apples, and Milk. I will relate to you the value of Onions first, and the other will be later on.
ONIONS: "We remember fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely, the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic." From the bible; Numbers 11:5
Like its cousin garlic, the onion is noted as a cure-all. And the high regard in which it is held by folks healers dates back just as long, perhaps 6,000 years or more. There is, in fact, only one reference to the onion in the entire bible, but we thnk that is quite enough to merit mention because that single reference so clearly emphasizes just how important this food was in the lives of the people of the time. Whoever wrote that passage included the onion in some pretty good company. Each one of the foods named in that verse is among the most potent of the healing foods that are to be found in nature.
Onions were considered such an important source of energy and endurance, wrote Herodotus, the Greek historian, that the Egyptian pharoahs spent nine tones of gold - a fortune by the standared of any age - for onions to feed the slaves and laborers (many of them Israelites) who built the pyramids. Whether or not it was an acquire taste history doesn't say but certainly the Jews took a distinct fondness for the onion when they followed Moses into the wilderness. So at least 3,000 years before the birth of Christ, onions were treasured both as food and for their therapeutic value, particualrly for the treatment of kidney and bladder problems.
That staunch belief in onions as good folk medicine continued down through the Middle Ages all the way to the present day. They have been used externally as an antiseptic and a pain reliver and taken internally as a tonic to soothe intestinal gas pains and to alleviate the symptoms of hypertension, high blood sugar and elevared cholesterol.
In some countries of the Balkans, Bulgaria is particualrly noted in literature - people atribute their long life to a diet that includes high concentrations of onions and yogurt. It is said that folk remedies in many other cultures called for the juice of an onion (along with syrup made from honey) to treat coughs, colds and asthma attacks. A tonic of onions soaked in gin or a smilar distilled spirit was prescribed for kidney stones and to eliminate excessive fluids, sometimes referred to as dropsy. Modern herbalists even today recommend an onion syrup as an expectorant. Onions are also believe to diuretic and to reduce high blood pressure.
George Washington is quoted as once saying: My own remedy is always to eat, just before I step into bed, a hot roasted onion, if I have a cold."
Protection of the heart: countless research projects have now clearly demonstrated that, among other things, onions have a propound effect on blood cholesterol by raising the "good" HDLs and lowering the "bad LDLs. Dr. Victor Gurewich, a professor of medicin at Tufts University, has made a careful study of Cardiovascular disease and simply advises: "Eat Onions"
The terapeutic components in onions also slow blood clotting in addition to regulating blood sugar, breaking up bronchial congestion, and accoridng to some promising new research preventing cancer.
In the case of onions as an antibiotic, for example, countless armies that marched back and forth across the tapestry of history swore by the onion as a battlefield balm for wounds. But it wasn't until the 19th century that this folk remedy was really put to the test in the laboraty, when the remarkable French chemist, Louis Pasteur, proved that the onion was antibacterial Onion are effctive against dangerous bacteria including the deadly E. Coli and salmonella. Onions also possess a strong antibiotic that kills a variety of bacteria responsible for illnesses ranging from diarrhea to tuberculosis.
The people of the Bible were among the first to treat colds and similar ailments with onions. Now 21st century technology is confirming that many of those age-old fold remedies are grounded in solid scientific fact.
REQUESTED BY MIKE CRUZ TO PUBLISH as he failed to do so.
12 years ago
Pilar thank you for writing this article on behalf of Pareng Mike.Onion really has a lot of healing property.I think that's the reason why luckily I don't get sick. I use a lot of onions and garlic in my cooking.
So onion has been with us for thousand years, and believed to be cure-all bulb.
It is also a source of strength and endurance, according to the Greek historian Herodotus.
I agree with Herodotus, in onion, there is strength!
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