Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Six school children shot in Las Vegas:
police Wednesday Dec 12 11:24 AEDT

Six children have been shot and wounded in Las Vegas after getting off a school bus, but none of the injuries is life-threatening, police say.

Initial reports said the six high school students had just stepped off a school bus when at least two suspects opened fire on them from a car that had been parked across the street.
"A total of six children, all of them high schoolers, have been shot," ... Denby said.

The incident followed two other highly publicised gun tragedies in recent days — a pair of weekend shootings at a Christian Missionary training center and a church in Colorado in which a 24-year-old man killed four people and then himself, and a shopping mall rampage in Omaha, Nebraska, in which a 19-year-old killed eight people and then himself with an assault rifle last week.

1 comment:

neliaamparo said...

It's sad to say but there's a few reasons why these things are happening in America.First of sll there's a moral collapse in this country from top to bottom.Top means the leaders are not concerned about the welfare of the people.They are more concerned about making their wallets fat than trying to solve the domestic problems here.Parents,how can divorced parents set a good example to their children?And we know the percentage of divorced parents here.Too much materialism.Both parents working not having enough time to sit down with their children during meals.In school.They took out prayers in school and they are working now to take GOD out of the constitution. So, what can we expect to happen in a country where they want to exclude GOD in everything.So sad but it's true.