The celebrators are past the "Over the Hill" parties and the Mid-Life Crisis jokes. To honor their nth birthday with style as well as fun,last Sunday's affair at Violeta's attended by 19 batch mates was indeed a celebration of one more year of a precious life for those born from August to December. Just look at the pictorials and imagine yourself lost in the wild shouts of Bingo numbers and the deafening exchange of stories and updates. I was forced to leave the game after losing 5 pesos because I might be the big loser since I cannot cope marking my cards due to the sounds of storytellers competing with the "number callers"(LOL) After the game we graciously
had the merienda brought by the hosts. I will post the pictures of the food later. Meanwhile enjoy looking at the pictures and once again be nostalgic !
Do whatever you can, when you can, while you can, however you can till you can! Enjoy yourselves! And many happy returns of the day!
Thanks for sharing your joy and photos during your get together last March in Voilet place.
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