Death respects nobody. So let's live life while we can, the best way we can, wasting not one moment on the negatives, leaving no room for regrets. Let us try to build a lasting memorial for us, in the hearts of those with whom we come in contact in this life, of Christian charity and service, unfeigned sincerity and uncompromising integrity.
Let us pray for them that they will enjoy the company of God in heaven. We really have to enjoy and value our life while on earth. Time comes to each one of us when God will get us, so we must always be ready.
The passing away of these two icons in the entertainment world again reminds us of our vulnerability to the inevitable.
"Death comes like a thief in the night". So we ought to be prepared!
Long after the death of MJ, his songs will still be played in the air, and perhaps FF will still be remembered as the alluring actress of our time.
They left legacies which probably will linger for a long time.
I wonder Batchmates, what legacy do we leave this world when we are gone?
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