Men grow up (become bigger boys) while their playing balls' size shrink. I mean BALLS for playing games-basketball, soccer, baseball, tennis, badminton, and golf. My husband is no exception. He graduated from basketball, soccer and tennis to GOLF, GOLF and more GOLF! He putts in the driving range near our home, everyday between 5 and 6 each morning. According to him, he does it more for the purpose of ' para pawisan' (to perspire) than for improving his golf skills. Every afternoon, after office hours, he would just pass by for a quick peck for this wifey, and proceed to the same driving range, for more putting, this time for skill building. Every Saturday, he and his golf buddies - Bobby and Gabby - would leave for Leyte Golf and Country Club, in Albuera ( a town which is about one and a half-hour drive from here) for an 18-hole game, rain or shine. To quote him, "Wow, what a sunny day - a perfect golfing weather." " Wow, there's some rain, what a perfect golfing weather." I used to be confused, as to which one is the better golfing weather, but I have trained my mind to accept that for a golf addict, any weather is perfect golfing weather. See what love can do even to a highly-opinionated wifey like me? It has almost been like a ritual for me to prepare his golf bag, garments' bag, toiletries bag and shoe bag, even his wallet ( for his golf money) every Friday evening. Other musts that I make sure he brings are a bottle of purified water, two bottles of Gatorade and a can of fruit juice, so he won't suffer from dehydration while in the greens and under the intense heat of the sun. On television, he's forever hooked to the Star Sports and Solar Sports, to watch golf games, especially when his idol, Tiger Woods, is in the competition. He has a big pile of golf magazines and books within his reach, which he reads over and over again. I started a collection for him - a ball cap collection. There are 29 ball caps to date which he uses when he golfs. With that number, I am able to wash and dry the last one that he used and very convincingly make him use "this one, because it matches your shirt" or this one " because it's a lucky cap-remember you got the last trophy when you used that" and the ultimate " this one really looks good on you". hehehe! In our living room, I had a rustic shelf made for all his golf trophies and some of his framed pictures taken in golf courses outside the country, and during national competitions. My last act of support for his golf passion? A surprise new set of golf clubs - which made him very, very happy. He was so thankful, which made me wonder - didn't he know that it was his money that I used to buy that set? Maybe he forgot that I have retired from all my money-making ventures a long time ago. Or he has 'surrendered' his right to his income since May 4, 1974 (when we wed)! Whatever, what counts, is I know I'm making Pete very happy with my full support in everything he does or likes, and he shows his appreciation to me by way of his love and kindness, and that makes our marriage work. I have this bad habit of digressing from my topic, so I better end this now with a prayer: " Lord, please give my husband, more golfing years to come. |
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