At school I…am good in the sciences and dislike history.I enjoy being with friends admire teachers and professors with high value system .
My earliest memory is….my Dad taking pictures of myself while I pose,dance or make faces and my Mom dressing me up with beautiful dresses which she herself sew.
When I was a child I wanted to be…scientist I am fascinated by the different science apparatus and the heavenly bodies.
If I wasn’t me I’d like to be…an Egyptian Princess or a sexy Lebanese belly dancer
My worst habit is …reading. I cannot sleep without a book or a magazine on top of my headboard which I read before I sleep.
I’m my best in jobs where there is a higher interpersonal component.…
The best lesson my parents taught me …is to be always thankful for all things.They taught us to be honest and live simple life.
Five famous people (living or dead) I would like to have met…
1.Jacqueline Kennedy her regal bearing despite life tragedies mesmerize me
2.Napoleon Bonaparte, for his excellent strategies of winning wars.
3Dan Brown, the author of Da Vinci Code ,so he can personally shed light on the many controversial facts in his novel.
4.Elvis Presley to tell he is my idol and I will be tickled pink if he will serenade me with his love songs.
5.The Blessed Virgin Mary to catch a glimpse of her colourful life with Jesus and to ask her why she can be a very obedient woman.
I don’t like talking about…people’s physical deformities .It pains me no end hearing people laughing at them.
My happiest moment was…being with my family and playing with my apo.
My secret skill (that is now no longer a secret) is…counselling and I am good at that,
Friends say I am…a PEARL , passionate, emphatic, ambitious ,and loyal
I’m very bad at…the kitchen , cooking is not my cup of tea
My biggest regret was…I did not pursue a dream…a crazy one, that is working as curator in a museum.
The hardest thing I have ever done was…speaking my mind and being brutally confrontational that sometimes, I hurt feelings of people.
My greatest fear is…REJECTION
I often wonder…how it feels to be a goldfish in an aquarium, being watched and providing joy to spectators
Hi Luz:
I applaud you for being so open and candid! I wonder who will follow suit? Thanks for taking the lead. Annie and I are looking forward to your upcoming visit. Hurry before the leaves start falling off the trees, will you?
Hi Ed,
If I can only fly to see you there now I could have done so.The Embassy has not yet given the new sked for the visa interview of the kids.I really need a break from work.You will surely know when ,just be ready with the band(Smile)
My love to you and Annie.
Bouquets for you, Luz. Your courage is an inspiration to us all. Hopefully we shall all do our bit and share something of ourselves with the batch.
Belly dancer! Who would have thought of something so exotic but you. I have seen a few and boy, it is hard work to do all that sensual and fantastic gyrating etc.
But hey, come 2010, maybe we can invite a professional belly dancer ,ano? Liven up our gathering. what do you think?
Wow that will really be terrific,Cora !!.You know, I watch some sexy belly dancers in You tube.I also have seen some beautiful gyrating ladies when I went to Lebanon and Syria ...another crazy dream that was fulfilled! I will have to search where we can contact one belly dancer come 2010.The boys will like this idea,he he he !!
Thanks Lucille for opening a lot about yourself and sharing it with the group!
I remember taking a psycho test years ago before I was accepted to the PMA and before I started my flying training, with more or less similar set of questions to determine our psychological make-up. I am not a Psyho Major but I would surmise you are a passionate person, putting your whole heart and mind in whatever you want to achieve. Keep it up!
It takes a lot of trust to put up this sharing of your life.
I admire Miss Orion JRI for coming up with this idea to entice those lurking on the side.
Oh, yes about that belly dancer, the boys will surely like it! We will just watch how the belly button would move with the gyrating hips and the pulsating ab muscles! Never mind the sensuality. He...he...he...
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