How can anyone in the right frame of mind, lose connection with these lovely ladies? It will be a major crime, to say the least. I am talking about the barkada shown here. Ah, those fashionistas, strolling along the black sandy beach of yesteryears. How does that song go? “Those were the days, my friends…” In the early stage of the 44th year reunion, when Cora started the original blog, I dove right into early publications to support the cause. Most of my articles I called advertisements, were to “enhance participation and involvement with the event”. The objective was the same, but my inspiration to create those ads came from the barkada, a small group of batch ’63. Separated for so many years, on and off. No offense intended to the rest of the batch, but my first hand experience with Annie’s barkada, simply was the starting point to get involved with JRI Class of 1963. On and off get togethers, mail, phone calls as Luz has stated since Annie left her friends for Guam to join me in Sept. 1971. That was a long time ago, wasn’t it? Sure, Josie Pascual and Annie Rodriguez were not in the batch. But they were my partner’s colleague. Josie Pascual Merquiado was my high school classmate, my “guardian” in its purest sense. Friendship endures. For the ladies of the moment, this article is for you. Thanks for the friendship and the blessing of being a part of our extended family. Enough said, please join me to take a peek at some of the choice pictures, I put together in our album.
How can anyone in the right frame of mind, lose connection with these lovely ladies? It will be a major crime, to say the least. I am talking about the barkada shown here. Ah, those fashionistas, strolling along the black sandy beach of yesteryears. How does that song go? “Those were the days, my friends…” In the early stage of the 44th year reunion, when Cora started the original blog, I dove right into early publications to support the cause. Most of my articles I called advertisements, were to “enhance participation and involvement with the event”. The objective was the same, but my inspiration to create those ads came from the barkada, a small group of batch ’63. Separated for so many years, on and off. No offense intended to the rest of the batch, but my first hand experience with Annie’s barkada, simply was the starting point to get involved with JRI Class of 1963. On and off get togethers, mail, phone calls as Luz has stated since Annie left her friends for Guam to join me in Sept. 1971. That was a long time ago, wasn’t it? Sure, Josie Pascual and Annie Rodriguez were not in the batch. But they were my partner’s colleague. Josie Pascual Merquiado was my high school classmate, my “guardian” in its purest sense. Friendship endures. For the ladies of the moment, this article is for you. Thanks for the friendship and the blessing of being a part of our extended family. Enough said, please join me to take a peek at some of the choice pictures, I put together in our album.
Please click here: Memories. Enjoy!
What are you waiting for,63rders,
tell us about your amazing friends,
your escapades as amigos, amigas. In Tagalog, in Visayan, in any language or dialect (just provide a subtitle/translation in Orionese, please), the stories of friendship are unfailingly heartwarming. Now if you are BRAVE enough, you may even tell us about that one very special someone. (Josie, are you reading this? and it is not about your other l...)
Eddie, this is a nice piece...you really are so much smitten by Annie's sweet ways.Now I know,other than "tiga saing",you are also in charge of keeping important documents. TIGASIN ka talaga!
By the way,have you scanned the old pics and the 1959 graduation program Belen and Emma gave you during the dinner at Aganna's?
Hi Lutzie: Greetings! Thanks for the words of reinforcement about my household chores.
All the pictures and the program are all in a safe place. Pictures were all scanned. The 59 graduation program is brittle and each day I glance at it, but haven't done anything yet. I think I need to consult with a professional restoration expert. But here's the deal: when you come up in the States, we'd like to give them all back to you personally. Rest assured, I'll live up to my promise, that I'll drive you guys around. Check out the relative driving distance between Larps, Annie and Mike. You'll find that we are only a couple of hours drive from each other. Want to know more? See you in the next e-mail.
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