Saturday, August 29, 2009
Any good thing that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it
now and not defer it;
For I shall pass never this way again.
by.... Stephen
Life isn't just about getting to destination,
It's about the jurney... don't think to rush
The journey is the most important part,
What you take from the people you influence and what you learn and experience along the way
The journey is where you find God,
What you learn about Him.
That is what life is all about and if you don't take the time to get to know Him, then you will
miss the meaning of the whole picture.
Things in life aren't at random and they don't happen by accident . There is a wonderful plan
at work and it runs deeper than you know.
God's force flows through life affecting your personal destiny and the destiny of the world you
live in.
Don't fall for the "big bang" lies that there is no purpose and no reason and you don't seem to
be getting anywhere
His plan is on schedule and things are happening exactly when and where He knows they
should. There is a reason for everything.
And You Can Make A Difference
You are under God's care in this journey through life and He loves you.
There is no beauty as striking as His, no power as potent as His, no feelings as stimulating as
His, no words as truthful as His, no stability as sturdy as His, no strength as reliable as His, no
protection as dependable as His, no gifts as perc ious as His, no lov e as enduring as His.
Remember ...
His love for you can never be measured , contained, explained, understood , compared or seen
It must be accepted for what it is... the purest, truest love you will ever know
So, don't rush through life putting aside your time with God or enjoying your family and friends,
otherwise you will miss the whole point and all that you accomplish and go through will be for
Make the most of your journey by learning about Him, seeking Him , discovering Him and
helping and being a light to all those around you.
Before you know it , you'll have arrived at the final stop and He'll be there waiting for you ....
Hope this serves to inspire you, my friends...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Rat-eating plant discovered in Philippines
POOLE, England, Aug. 17 (UPI)
British scientists said they have discovered a plant in the Philippines that feeds by luring and consuming rats.
Botanists Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson said the plant, dubbed Nepenthes attenboroughii after legendary wildlife broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, consumes "whole rats" by luring them into its mouth and dissolving them with acid-like enzymes.
"The plant produces spectacular traps which catch not only insects, but also rodents," McPherson told The Sun in an exclusive interview. "It is remarkable that it remained undiscovered until the 21st century."
McPherson and Robinson said their team found the plant on Mount Victoria after hearing accounts of the shrub's eating habits from missionaries.
"My team and I named it in honor of Sir David whose work has inspired generations toward a better understanding of the beauty and diversity of the natural world," McPherson said.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bloggers where are you? Please don't hide. Mike said, his granddaughter is always in the computer. (not so valid reason Mike) Manny said, he forgot his password. Ruben Baluyot said he is not so good in computer. His grandson who is 7 years old and who has more knowledge in computer told him. "Grandpa because you are already old." ha ha ha.
Emma are you already O.K. from your surgery? How about you Generoso, boy, Juanito and the rest. Please post any thing you want to share with us that will make us feel so good. It is a pleasure to read posting in our blogsite every morning before I start my work. Ms. orionjri, how are you now? Hope to see you in January.To Josie, Luz, Ernie, Emma and Ms. orionjri thanks a lot for making our blogsite alive. More posting please.
I'm Sixty and Compounding
I'm Sixty and Compounding
by Dr John C. Maxwell
When I celebrated my sixtieth birthday, I found myself thinking about aging. It seems the older you get, the more life comes into focus. As leaders, aging allows us to separate the important from the unimportant, to appreciate more and reach for less, and to allow those who are younger to step up to the plate and learn their lessons. I look at my life and realize that I’m slowing down. I don’t have the energy I once had, and I simply can’t do as much as I once could. However, I also find that I’m entering a "compounding stage" in my life. I’m profiting from the investments I made when I was younger, and I’m reaping the benefits of decisions I made early in life and continue to manage to this day.
What Is Compounding in My Life?
Through the years, I’ve tried to see the best side of people. Looking closely, we can find flaws and defects in every person, but our relationships have a richer quality when we search for strength and beauty in the lives around us. I’ve sought to relate on a heart-to-heart level with those around me. The dreams and passions stored within hearts are powerful keys that can unlock a wealth of potential. To understand the mind of a person, look at what he has already achieved; but to understand the heart of a person, look at what he aspires yet to do. I’ve built bridges with those around me. I’ve stayed connected with others, linked my friends with helpful contacts from my network, and refused to allow conflicts to sabotage my friendships. Opening ourselves to others yields a satisfaction that’s missed when we surround our-selves with defenses. I’ve consistently strived to give more than I receive. Keeping score is for games, not friendships. Avoid feeling entitled when you give, and don’t be too proud to accept when another person acts generously toward you. I’ve tried to live for others. One is a little number, and when we live only for ourselves, we lead small and shallow lives. Selfishness is a destructive disease with unpleasant symptoms.
Leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. My focus has been to influence those who are the influ-encers in religion, economics, government, family, media, education and sports. In my early years as a pastor, I had significant influence within church circles, but little else-where. As I’ve grown as a leader, I’ve learned to branch out and add value in additional areas.
At sixty, life begins to resemble a roll of toilet paper—the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. At fifty-one, a heart attack helped me to understand the precious value of time. Lying in the hospital, I remember thinking I had so much more to do, so much I wanted to give, but I didn’t know how much time I had remaining. Today matters more than we’ll ever know. Each second is a gift, and every day a treasured opportunity.
As you get older, time speeds up but life slows down. For example, in football, the decisions of the quarterback determine the effectiveness of the offense. When a quar-terback transitions from college to the pros, he will likely go through a rough stretch as he adjusts to the faster pace of play. However, after a few years of experience, the game "slows down" for him because he is able to speed up his decision making. Aging is similar. Even though everything around you appears to pick up speed, you can process experiences and prioritize what’s important more easily than ever before.
George Burns said it well: "When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it’s time to turn out the lights." The worth of our lives comes by what we give. What we keep, we squander. Look for ways to impart value, be generous with encouragement, and hand out hope to those you lead.
And most importantly, when you hit sixty, you start to see your legacy being formed. People will summarize your life in one sentence—pick it now! Don’t make your friends and family guess your life’s purpose at your funeral. Start living today the legacy you want to leave. Life is short, history is long. It is up to you to spend your time on pursuits that will outlive you.Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Reaching-out To Our Aeta Brothers
With Nelia and her siblings and nephews, we, Emma and Fred and Julie spent this Sunday going to the "Bayan-Bayanan ng Aeta in Bilolo". It was a different experience for them specifically ,they intimated, because for the past days they have been going around places of interest in Bataan and Subic. They had been at the Dambana ng Kagitingan, Corregidor and some beaches in Bagac and the SBMA tourists destinations.
The trip to the Aeta community was really a different one...the bumpy and narrow road, the unusual open structures which turned out to be the dwelling places of a number of Aeta families and the throng of Aeta children,barefooted and naked.We were told that they were given slippers by Julie Ann Santos,the actress who sponsors their schooling but they don't like to wear them.
We brought some old clothes,candies and chocolates and Nelia and her brothers give some cash for the small infants milk because we witnessed that they are only fed with a mixture of water and brown sugar.
It feels good to reach out to our Aeta brothers even in some little ways .
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Mother Remembered
To Nelia and family, our hearts beat with yours as you bid her final farewell. Our mother: our first cradle, our first home, our safest refuge, our comfort and strength, our truest friend.
Today is the 8th anniversary of my mother's death. It has been years since she passed away but the pain of having lost her is just as acute as it was then.
She was the truest mother in every sense of the word. Imperfect a person as she was like the rest of mankind, she was perfect in her love and sacrifice for her children.
Today I remember her and the times when we talked about the most mundane things. No, we did not really talk, she listened while I told her about things of any importance to me, however insignificant, however irrelevant. She always gave me the time. No time was ever the wrong time or busy time. She listened while I babbled on, half of the things I said probably figments of the child's fertile imagination. But she made me feel like they were the most brilliant things she had ever heard.
I miss her, even the times when I would upset her with my insensitivity, and the times she would upset me by forgetting that I was already grownup and no longer her little girl. I miss my mother and her loving care. I look forward with deepest longing to the day I shall see her again.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Another batchmate that I have communication oftenly through e-mail and phone is Lourdes Cruz (Garcia before). I really like her so much. Totoo siyang tao, hindi plastic and I know you too batchmates you will like and love her as she is. Naku humanda kayo may sense of humor si Lourdes. She will be coming home for our reunion.
I also have frequent communication through telephone with Mike, Annie, Editha and Manny and of course hindi ko makakalimutan si Ernesto Santos na kung hindi ko puputulin and aming usapan kasi dito siya sa office tumatawag ay aabot siguro ng maghapon. But I love talking with him. With Nelia I communicate with her through e-mail. Ops I got an e-mail from Ben Baluyot from Sydney Australia confirming he will be there in our reunion of the decade.
By the way Manny not sure yet if coming home. He said he talked to Lolita Zulueta and said she is not coming home too in January for our reunion.
This is my update as of now. Regards to all. God Bless.
Nelia is Home
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Update About Nelia
Monday, August 10, 2009
5 Riddles
1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires. The second is full of assassins with loaded guns. The third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years.. Which room is safest for him?
2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday?
5. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd.. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!
Scroll down for answers!
1. The third room. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead. That one was easy, right?
2. The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry (shot; held under water; and hung).
3. Charcoal, as it is used in barbecuing.
4. Sure you can name three consecutive days, yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
5. The letter e, which is the most common letter used in the English language, does not appear even once in the paragraph.
Trivia on Ninoy and Cory's Date of Demise
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Some Reflections on Friendship

Batchmates, I wish to share you this piece which was sent to me by a friend of over thirty years ,Rev.Fr.Thomas Matthew ,an Indian healing priest, OSA (Order of San Agustin) He was ordained in the Philippines and did missionary work in the Philippines,India and USA.
On friendship day, celebrated in India on August 2, people exchange gifts and give their presents to the friends. We have heard the famous dictum that "A friend in need is a friend indeed and Friendship means a lot in life”.
At times it is not easy to find a good friend to trust and to share. A friend offers a crying shoulder too. A friend consoles and walks with us like a shadow. A friend is a great gift of the Lord and a great guide and counselor too. In Indian tradition, people tie a string on the wrist of the friend and renews that friendship yearly and this particular ceremony happens on friendship day.
We need friends to give us support. Happy are the people who found a good friend. In my case, I cherish friendship forever. At times my wrong attitudes and arrogant words make and made my friends suffer and some of them I lost.
Friendship involves a lot of risk and careful and even tactful dealings. At times considerable quantity of diplomacy is also imperative to keep up long term friendship. at times it is difficult and painful to keep up friendship. In friendship we need to give and take. Selfishness has little part in friendship. Friendship involves careful giving and respectful receiving as well.
When two people become friends, it is possible that one or both begin to think that there is ultimate freedom with the friend. I call this attitude as a false one. With that false notion, either of them or one of them start sharing the inner pains and also start showing his or her frustration and even anger. One or both the friends might imprudently utter pain causing words . ( I think friendship may not enough to deal with personal hurts incurred in life . It needs professional counseling and one needs to be healed so we may behave properly with our friends). Inadequate expression of feelings can severely damage or cause mortality in friendship.
I have come to realize that friendship involves a lot of freedom but that freedom is very vulnerable Freedom in friendship is restricted. In fact my freedom ends where the other persons nose begins. Humans by nature get hurt by the words spoken in anger or even in sadness by the friends. Gradually people tend to think " even though I have done so much for my friend, that friend treats me as though I am nothing ".This painful feeling may not have been there initially but eventually the hurtful words can culminate in the breakup , in weakening of friendship, or it could also effect change in friendship.
When friendship suffers, friends might start fearing each other. One or both the friends start wearing a protective armor so that the friend may not hurt through words or deeds. fear might eliminate a lot of freedom and even friendship might be lost. fear is detrimental or unhealthy in friendship.
Losing an intimate friend is a great pain for everyone. It is as though half of the heart is taken out. It could be between spouses or parents and children and or between siblings and or between friends.
I think even Jesus suffered gravely at Gethsemane prior to the departure from his disciples who were friends of Jesus. Jesus told them "I do not call you just fiends". Jesus counted them as coheirs with him . Jesus counted the disciples as part of his own self. It is true between human friends too. Friend feel that the friends are part of their entire system . When his disciples left, Jesus was heart broken.
Loss of friendship is heart breaking. There are no words to express the pain due to loss of friendship. Yes friendship involves heart wrenching pain . We could only take care of friendship the best possible way with kind words, and it might be helpful to deal with friends amicably and God has a Lion’s share in fomenting friendship.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Remember seven days WITHOUT GOD makes one WEAK!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Pampaalis ng Stress

Mga Kwento Tungkol Kay Yaya
1. Yaya buys food at McDo.
Crew: “Dito niyo na po ba kakainin?”
Yaya: “Puwede sa table?”
2. Kid: “Yaya look, boats!”
Yaya: “Dows are not boats, dey’re yachts.”
Kid: “Yaya, spell yachts?”
Yaya: “Yor rayt, dey are boats.”
3. Woman carrying sick baby enters doctor’s office.
Doc: “Bottlefed?”
Woman: “Brea - stfed po.”
(Doctors squeezes woman’s breasts repeatedly)
Doc: “Ayan ang problema, wala kang gatas, eh.”
Woman: “Yaya lang po ako doc! Yaya!”
4. The eggs that yaya bought turned out to be rotten.
She stormed back to the grocery and told the vendor:
“Manong, ang baho ng itlog niyo!”
5. My mom asked our yaya to buy Inquirer and Star.
Our yaya came back and said: “Ma’am, wala pong Inquirer
kaya bumili nalang po ako ng dalawang Star!”
6. Yaya: “Huhuhu…”
Ate: “O, bakit ka umiiyak?”
Yaya: “Kasi ate ang dami kong pimples!”
Ate: “Eh bakit ka ba tinitighiyawat?”
Yaya: “Kasi po di ako makatulog sa gabi.”
Ate: “O, bakit ka di makatulog?”
Yaya: “Kasi po may pinoproblema ako…”
Ate: “Ano naman ang pinoproblema mo?”
Yaya: “Kasi ate ang dami kong pimples!”
7. (Earlier) Mom: “Yaya, lagay mo yung pesto sa ref!”
(Later) Son: “Yaya, nakita mo PS2 ko?”
Yaya: “Nasa ref, pinalagay ng mama mo!”
8. Just now my maid burned a hole in my uniform.
I angrily asked her, “Paano mo naman nasunog to?”
She answered: “Secret!”
9. After watching a movie, our yaya blurted out :
“Ang pangit naman, happy ending!”
10. Sir: “Yaya, gawa mo ko ng kape. Yung decaf ha!”
Yaya: “Siyempre naman, alangan namang de-baso!”
10. Mom: “Yaya, magluto ka na pag-alis ko ha!”
Yaya: “Ano po lulutuin ko?”
Mom: “It’s up to you.”
(During dinner) Mom: “Yaya, bakit ketsup at tuyo ang ulam?”
Yaya: “Diba nung tinanong ko kayo kung anong lulutuin ko,
sabi niyo, ‘kitsup tuyo’!”
11. Our neighbor’s yaya: “Junjun, chew your mouth!”
12. Our yaya sa sari-sari store: “Miss isang Coke in can
at isang Sprite na Coke in can…”
13. SIR: “Inday, si sir mo to, nabangga kotse ko & I need cash!”
INDAY: “Aru, dugo-dugo gang ka no?”
SIR: “Gaga! Si sir mo talaga to!”
INDAY: “Gago ka rin! Si sir ang tawag sa kin…kapkeyk…”
14. I once asked my yaya where the Netherlands is located.
She answered: “Diba dun nakatira si Peter Pan?”
15. Neighbor’s yaya telling her ward to climb down the stairs:
“Down to earth! Down to earth!”
16. My mom was going to buy our yaya a transistor radio.
Before my mom left the house, our yaya said,
“Ma’am, ang kunin niyo yung Ilokano ang salita ha!”
17. We paid for the tuition fee of our yaya’s son.
So one day I was reviewing him: “The Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun.
Ano ang katabi ng Mercury?” His mom, our yaya, answered:
“Parang Watson’s yata…”
18. Sir: “Yaya, natanggal mo yung mantsa sa barong ko?”
Yaya: “Opo! Tanggal na tanggal!”
Sir: “Good! Anong pinang-tanggal mo?”
Yaya: “Gunting, kuya! Gunting!”
19. Yaya to tricycle driver: “Magkano sa City Hall?”
Driver: “Ikaw lang?” Yaya: “Ay bakit, hindi ka sasama?”
20. (Si Kuya pumasok sa kuwarto ni Yaya)
Kuya: “Yaya…”
Yaya: “Koya, wag po! Wag Pooooo!”
Kuya: “Gaga! Uutusan lang kita!”
Yaya: “Si Koya naman…nagsa-suggest lang…”
21. Kid: “Yaya, spell orange?”
Yaya: “Depende. Yung kulay o yung prutas?”
22. Midget Yaya who was newly hired:
“Suwerte po kayo, ako ang napili niyo.
At least kung maibagsak ko si baby, mababa lang!”
23. Yaya to my brother: “Nag tothbrush ka na ng ipin?”
Bro: “Siyempre, alangan namang mag toothbrush ako ng kilikili!”
24. (after being scolded for breaking her promises):
“Ma’am, hindi na po ako mangangako ulit…promise!”
25. We had a yaya who claimed she was being courted by a kapre
in her province and wanted to take her to his kingdom.
Her reason for turning down the offer to be his queen?
“Kapre yun ma’am, malaki ang kwan nun! Wag na uy!”
26. AMO: “Bakit namatay ang aso?”
MAID: “Pinaliguan ko po ng laundry soap.”
AMO: “Nakamamatay ba yun?”
MAID: “Ewan ko nga po eh, pag-off ko ng washing machine patay na.”
27. Amo: Yaya use COOLING PLACE in a sentence.
Yaya: Sir! viry easy! iksample nagring yung phone,
(ring, ring, ring,) Yaya answered, " HILO , WHO'S COOLING PLACE?"
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We visited her at the St. Joseph Hospital in Balanga and she is doing okay . She is thanking all batch mates for their prayers for the success of the operation. Get well soon , Emma!
Pres. Cory Aquino passes away
Let's pray for the eternal repose of her soul and strength for her family.
As she would have wished, let's continue helping and praying for one another, and for every Filipino.
Sen. Ninoy Aquino, " The Filipino is worth DYING for."
Pres. Cory Aquino, " The Filipino is worth LIVING for."