Friday, May 29, 2009
Marriage Therapy
the wife went into a passionate, painful tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the 20 years they had been married.
She went on and on and on:
neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness,
feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she
had endured over the course of their marriage.
Finally, after allowing this to go on for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and, after asking the wife to stand, embraced and kissed her passionately as her husband watched with a raised eyebrow. The woman shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze.
The therapist turned to the husband and said, "This is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you do this?"
The husband thought for a moment and replied, "Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays, I fish."
Love Can be Lovelier the Second Time Around
A couple have married more than 50 years after getting engaged as childhood sweethearts
John Searle and Maggie Crook have married half a century after splitting up as teenagers.
Mrs Searle was 13 when she first set eyes on John way back in 1952 in their hometown of Exmouth, Devon.
The teenagers met at a life-saving club held at the popular seaside resort's long-closed seafront swimming pool.
They got engaged at 18 but split up before they could name the day after their careers caused them to drift apart.
The couple, both 69, married on Wednesday more than five decades after vowing to walk down the aisle.
Mr Searle, a former Royal Marine, said: "Being married to Maggie is going to be very nice. We are very happy together. . . How about that, folks? There is still time for (some 0f) us to recycle/re-ignite our youthful passions. P a g i n g. . .
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Ten Steps to Turning Your Life Around
Up is the movement and direction toward possibility--"with God nothing is impossible." Up is the movement of reaching. Up is where we're going. When you watch birds take off, they don't fly down, they fly up. They leave the ground after they've found their food. They leave the place where they have come for their nurturing and their nourishment, and then they fly up, they soar.
Moving up, you will begin to discover who you are. So make the decision right now to fly, to change your life by moving up toward God and toward moments filled with yeses and possibilities in life.
Stand up
Picture yourself as an inflatable boxing toy with a weighted base, a bop bag. Every time you hit that toy, it falls over, but it bounces right back up. Nothing can keep it down unless it's deflated. Refuse to decompress or deflate. When someone punches the breath out of you, inhale. Let God's spirit breathe new hope and life into you. Believe who He says you are, not what others say to defame and degrade you. You are a child of the King, bow to no negative circumstance or critical diatribe, stand up!
Steps to Stand Up
• Believe who God says you are, not what detractors label you.
• Stand up with stand up people; stop sitting down with negative, "ain't it awful" folks.
• Leave the sitting chair of your past behind; decide your future...
• When you get "sick and tired of being sick and tired," don't give up...stand up!
Speak Up
Never let fear keep you from speaking up. God hasn't given you a spirit of fear, but has imbued you with power, love, and a good, sound mind to give voice to your dreams, visions, ideas, and thoughts. So what if you miss the mark with a speech or message? So what if you stumble a bit, mumble, or stutter? Find your voice. Work on your diction. Work on your timing. Work on your voice, presentation, substance, and style. Speak up.
Steps to Speak Up
• Pray and listen to God's leading and direction right now. Ask God to help you to "open your mouth and increase your territory" (prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10).
• Prepare what you are going to say and then practice articulating your message clearly.
• Embrace a bold and courageous attitude.
• Speak up and create an environment and legacy for others to speak up. Start working with those around you.
Look up
To look up means taking the time to find a place within yourself and around you to renew your spirit. Be intentional. Take a spiritual health break. When all is dark around you and no light shines at the end of your tunnel of despair, look up! Knocked down? Look up. Perplexed and confused? Look up. Surrounded by trouble...and depressed? Look up!
Steps to Look Up
• Set aside a quiet time to pray regularly. Talk with God as you would a friend.
• Get up and walk; don't just sit around bemoaning your problems.
• Ask God for a vision for your life.
• Choose to become new again. Allow God to do a "new thing" in you (Isaiah 43).
Book Up
Reading allows us to continue achieving and growing. I want to know what trials people faced and how they overcame them. How did they rebound when they were knocked down? How do we go from being miserable to fulfilling a mission in life? Grab a few moments each day to read. Go on a trip without ever leaving home. Discover a new world of imagination, reality, and mindsets. Expand your territory: book up!
Steps to Book Up
• Set a time each day to read, even if it's just for five or ten minutes.
• Decide on a business or professional journal or paper to read weekly or even daily.
• Talk with a pastor, teacher, or professional about books they are reading.
• Read Scripture regularly.
Kiss Up
Kissing up is being kind even when the other person slams or persecutes us for no good reason. It's blessing those who really seek to do us wrong or do us in. Blessings are in store for those who choose to be kind, to kiss up, regardless of the attitude or actions of others. Not everyone we kiss up to will someday respond. That's not the issue. Kindness flowers out of who we are, not how others respond!
Steps to Kiss Up
• Don't allow rejection to cause you to give up.
• Remember to plan wisely before you initiate connecting with people.
• Refuse to compromise who you are or your values.
• Take the initiative to connect with those whom you will bless and who will bless you.
Listen Up
Listening up is a valuable gift you give to another person of your time and attention. Don't let others abuse that gift. Set boundaries. Marriage, friendship, or being related isn't a free ticket for abusive dumping. When you need to rest and refresh, turn the phone, beeper, or e-mail off or just don't answer. Go to a quiet, secret place, to commune with God and be renewed. Remember that prayer, a form of listening up, is not just telling God about what you want. It's also listening to God for what He wants; God has wonderful plans for your life if you will just listen up!
Steps to Listen Up
• Keep a pad and pen close by you at all times so that you can listen to God and jot down what He speaks to you.
• Take a sabbatical rest. It may be for a day, or weeks, or months. You may need a vacation in order to get away from the bustle and hear God.
• Take a crisis one step at a time. Listen to God for guidance about each step you should take.
• Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Speak to hear and understand before you respond.
Hang Up
In Isaiah, God says, "Do not consider the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth." You are to walk in the newness, which means you must let go of past negatives--ideas, people, and feelings. Setting boundaries, moving on from toxic relationships, deciding to change, and releasing old patterns and bad habits while learning new and constructive ones requires courage, work, and commitment.
Steps to Hang Up
• Hang up when the relationship is controlling, manipulative, intimidating, abusive, or addictive.
• Prepare yourself to hang up by praying, seeking wise counsel, facing the facts, and taking action.
• Set healthy boundaries, refusing to relate to people who tear you down instead of build you up.
• Move up to positive, prosperous healthy relationships after you hang up on the old and embrace God's new for your life.
Make Up
Consider the reciprocity of peacemaking that results from making up: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God." God's blessing comes upon those who live our reconciliation. Make a list of those with whom you need to make up right now. Begin to write, call, e-mail, and visit each one. Forgive. Release. Refuse to take or carry the bait of offense. Jesus said it this way, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." You've heard it and said it in the Lord's Prayer. Now live it.
Steps to Make Up
• Approach those with whom you are offended and reach out to them with forgiveness.
• Choose to forgive before others repent...even if they don't repent.
• Focus on forgiveness instead of hurt, anger, and offense.
• Pray out loud the Lord's Prayer and speak the Beatitudes.
Wake Up
Waking up to long-term gain may cause you some short-term pain or sacrifice. Scripture reminds us that trial produces patient perseverance, and patience builds character and this process produces hope that doesn't disappoint, outpouring love from God, and power through the Spirit. The process of waking up may be painful, but it does produce character and maturity. Don't give up what's important, wake up to it.
Steps to Wake Up
• Set priorities in line with your life's purpose, not your immediate demands.
• Deepen the close relationships in life, particularly family.
• Take time for what's important; refuse to waste time on draining relationships that have no staying power.
• Be there now and take time with those you will be with throughout life's journey.
Cheer Up
Cheer up is about just doing something fun. It's about laughing, doing something that brings joy to your soul. From prison, St. Paul wrote, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice!" Find joy for your soul. Everything in life does not have to be hard. A missionary friend in Belgrade often quoted the ubiquitous proverb, "Life is hard and then you die." Life doesn't have to be that way. Cheer up!
Steps to Cheer Up
• Associate with people who cheer you up instead of tear you down.
• Choose to respond with joy; reject the myth that other [people] or things can make you happy.
• Laugh at yourself. Don't be so serious and stodgy.
• Think up ways to cheer up others; by giving cheer you will receive cheer!
Starting Moving Up
Up is a choice, not a command, and it is certainly not something that will just happen. Up takes time, effort, attentiveness, and commitment! Identify people around you who seem to specialize in an up in which you need improvement and growth. Let them mentor or coach you. Hang with them. Ask questions. Imitate them. Develop a hunger and thirst for moving up.
It will be an exciting journey for you. Your engine has already filled up for you. God has just been waiting for you to say you're ready to go up. When you're ready, God's ready. Let's go forward. Get up. Start up!
By Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook
Father faces charges
MOSCOW - A five-year-old Russian girl has been placed in state custody after being found alone in an apartment filled with cats and dogs and imitating the animals' behaviour.
Police in the Transbaikal region of Siberia said Wednesday that the girl was kept shut up with the animals in a filthy apartment in the regional capital of Chita, where she lived with relatives, including her father and grandparents.
Larisa Popova, head of the children's affairs unit at the local police precinct, told state-run Rossiya television that the girl had developed feral characteristics.
"The child lived in unsanitary conditions. There was a horrible stench," Popova said. "There were many animals - both dogs and cats. In all probability, the girl lived with and was raised by these animals."
Police said the girl understands Russian but rarely speaks and they are gathering evidence to support neglect charges.
Nina Yemelyanova, head of the reception department at a children's home where the girl has been placed, said the child appears to mimic the behaviour of animals.
"Today, when I left the room, she jumped up to the door and started to bark," Yemelyanova told Rossiya television. "And she does not know how to behave at the table - when she eats, the tries to put the spoon aside and lap from the dish."
Regional police said water, heat and gas to the apartment had long since been shut off for non-payment.
The ITAR-Tass news agency cited the girl's mother as saying the child's father had taken her away without her permission when she was 2 1/2 years old. But the father claimed his mother-in-law had asked him to take the child because the mother was not taking proper care of her, the news agency quoted regional police spokesman Yegor Markov as saying.
Markov said the father could be charged with neglect of a minor, which carries a prison sentence of up to three years.
Chita is 4,700 kilometres east of Moscow.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Change of Reunion Dates
Per Mike our reunion will be on Jan 10, 11 and 12, 2010. Hope all will be coming home.
Best Regards
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

While there are outside forces that create setbacks, it is still your choice as to how you will respond to those incidents that determine whether or not you climb forward or fall behind.
When you choose not to grow, you become stale, arrogant, and will plateau.
3. The choice to listen
One of the best ways to build a connection with others is to listen to them. Take the focus off yourself and put it on the other person. This draws others to you because you place importance on others. When you choose to do all the talking, you rarely build strong or sustainable relationships. You are a turn-off and people will avoid you.
4. The choice to make a difference
Making a difference by adding value to others is a choice. Similar to its cousin, giving, making a difference goes a step further by causing you to leave others and the world better than you found it.
It goes beyond crossing the finish line by yourself and causes you to bring others across the line with you. On the other hand, when you choose to live in a selfish world, absorbed only with your own problems, after you die it will be as though you never lived. You added value to nothing and impacted no one.
5. The choice to do what is right
Doing what is right rather than what is easy, cheap, popular or convenient is not always pleasant. However, it is what builds character and maintains your self-respect.
It is said that your body is a temple, but that many people treat it like an outhouse. On the way to get more and more, they sell out one key thing that money can't buy: physical well-being.
7. The choice to connect with a higher power
Living a spiritual life adds a dimension to each day that is nearly impossible for non-spiritual people to grasp. It gives you hope where others see defeat, energy when others are exhausted, wisdom when others are confused, and courage when others are fearful. Living without spiritual connectivity leaves an inner void. If you feel empty and if your life lacks a greater purpose, it may be time for you to choose a different and better route
There are other key choices that shape your life, like accepting responsibility, the choice to make each day a masterpiece, and more.
However, these seven choices should give you plenty to ponder. But just in case they don't, let me conclude with four final questions concerning these seven choices.
3. What corrections will you make?
4. What are you waiting for?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Info Bits
1. Potato chips' bags don't have regular air inside. The bags are filled with nitrogen to keep
the chips fresh.
2. If you slowly pour a handful of salt into a totally full glass of water, it will not overflow.
In fact the water level will go down.
3. We can get sunburned on a cloudy day, because more than 80% of the sun's burning
ultraviolet (UV) rays penetrate clouds.
4.Horses cannot focus their eyes the way humans do. They have to change the angle of
their heads if they want to see close objects clearly. That is why they bob their heads up
and down as you come near.
5.Today's super computers can store one trillion bits of information. The human brain,
however,can store 1000 trillion bits of information.
6.Broken mercury thermometers are environmental threat. The mercury in one broken
thermometer can contaminate an 11 acre lake.
7.When Pacific salmon get to a certain age, their pituitary glands suddenly secrete poison
to kill them.
8. One aluminum can recycled can save enough energy to run a telivision for three hours.
9. Mosquitos like the scent of estrogen , hence women get bitten by mosquitoes more than
men do. Only female mosquitos bite people.
10.Even lipstick aren't safe anymore. It contain lead, a chemical which can cause cancer. If
your lipstick stays longer, it has a high content of lead. Here is a test you can do yourself :
---Put some lipstick in your hands.
--- Use a gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.If the lipstick color changes to black ,it has lead.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Israel to honor Philippines for sheltering Jews during Holocaust
Jewish World, Israel News
More than 1,000 Jews fleeing persecution in Nazi Germany found refuge in the faraway Philippines, thanks to the government's "open doors" policy that Israel plans to honor with a monument next month, officials said Friday.
The modern structure of three steel doors, frames and marble floor tiles commemorates the "courage, hospitality and the determination" of the Philippines to give humanitarian support for European Jews seeking refuge from the Holocaust, the Israeli Embassy said in a statement on its Web site.
"The warm hospitality of the Filipino people undoubtedly shed light to one of the darkest and most difficult periods in Jewish history," the embassy said.
The "Open Doors" monument, designed by Filipino artist Jun Yee, is scheduled to be unveiled June 21 at the Rishon Lezion Holocaust Park in central Israel. The idea came from Holocaust survivor Frank Ephraim's book "Escape to Manila," published in 2003. It details the author's and 35 other Jewish refugees' journey to the Philippines - then a U.S. commonwealth - just before it fell to the Japanese during the mayhem of World War II that left the capital, Manila, in ruins.
The Berlin-born Ephraim and his parents fled to the Philippines in 1939, when he was 8, taking advantage of President Manuel Quezon's decision to welcome Jewish refugees. Preparations were made to accept 10,000 Jews a year, but only 1,200 made it to Manila. Sixty-seven Jewish refugees were among the 100,000 Manila residents who died during the 1945 U.S. liberation of Manila and heavy bombing that preceded it, which also destroyed Manila's only synagogue, Temple Emil
Read entire post: Israel to honor Philippines for sheltering Jews during Holocaust
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Wonder of Problems
God is much more concerned with our character because we will take our character into eternity but not our career,wealth, or possessions. What God cares about most is whatever we do, we do in a Christ like manner .
Jesus did not die in the cross just so we could live comfortable,well adjusted lives. His purpose is far deeper. He wants to make us like Himself before He takes us to Heaven.
When life is rosy,we may slide , by knowing about Jesus,imitating,quoting and speaking of Him. But only in suffering will we know Jesus. We learn things about God in suffering that we can't learn by any other way.
Life is a series of problems. Everytime we solve one another is waiting to take its place.Not all of them are big but all are significant in God's growth process for us. God uses problems to draw us closer to Himself. God could have kept Joseph out of jail: kept Daniel out of the lion's den but He didn't. He let those problems happen and everyone of these persons were drawn closer to God as a result.
Since God intends to make us like Jesus,He will take us through the same experiences Jesus went through.That includes loneliness,temptation,stress,critisms,rejection and many other problems. The Holy Bible says,Jesus learned Obedience through suffering.Why would God exempt us from whwt He allowed His own Son to experience?
James 1:2-4 says "Dear brothers is your life full of difficulties and temptations ? Then be happy,for when the way is rough ,your patience has a chance to grow.So let it grow and don't try to squirm out of your problems.For when your patience is finally in full bloom ,then you will be ready for anything, strong in character,full and complete ".
Remember we are created to become like Christ . He wants to make us like Himself before he takes us to Heaven .
To be like Jesus is our goal
Though it doesn't happen fast
We trust the spirit as our Guide
Till we are glorified at last.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tayo'y Tumawa Uli
The Battle of the Brainless is Back!
Host: What "N" (narra) is the national tree of the Philippines?
Contestant: Niyog?
Host: Mas matigas pa diyan.
Contestant: (in a strong-sounding voice) NIYOG!!!
Host: Saan "B" (Bagumbayan) binaril si Jose Rizal?
Contestant: Sa back?
Host: O sige, puwede rin na ang simula ay letter "L"(Luneta).
Contestant: Likod?
Host: Hindi pa rin. Para mas madali, "R.P." ang initials ng modern
name nit o (Rizal Park).
Contestant: Rear Part? (Susme! Likod pa rin yun!)
Host: Saan "B" (beach) tayo madalas
pumunta pag summer upang maligo?
Contestant: Banyo?
Host: Hindi, pag pumunta ka doon, maaarawan ka.
Contestant: Bubong?
Host: Hindi, marami kang makikita
doong mga babaeng naka-bikini.
Contestant: Beerhouse!
Host: Anong "L" (Lifeguard) ang tawag
sa tao na sumasagip sa iyo pag ikaw ay nalulunod?
Contestant: Lifebuoy?
Host: Hindi, pero kahawig nga ng
pangalan ng sabon ang pangalan nito.
Contestant : Safeguard?
Host: Hindi, pagsamahin mo yung dalawang sagot mo.
Contestant : Safe Buoy?
Host: Hindi siya "boy" at matipuno
nga ang kaniyang katawan.
Contestant: Ah, Mr. Clean!
Host: Anong "S" (Salbabida) ang ginagamit
na floatation device sa dagat upang
hindi ka malunod?
Contestant: Sirena?
Host: Hindi! Hindi ito babae.
Contestant: Siyokoy?
Host: Hindi ito lalake.
Contestant: Siyoke?
Host: What "S" (Sampaguita) is the national flower
of the Philippines?
Contestant: Sunflower?
Host: Hindi. Binebenta ito sa kalye.
Contestant: Stork?
Host: Hindi. Bulaklak sabi eh.
Contestant: Sitsarong bulaklak?
Host: Hindi pa rin. It ends with a letter "A".
Contestant: Sitsarong bulaklak na may suka?
Host: Oh, para madali, uulitin ko
ang clues at dadagdagan ko pa!
Anong pangalan ng bulaklak na nagsisimula sa "S", nagtatapos sa letrang "A",
at kapangalan ng isang sikat na singer?
Contestant: Si...Sharon Cuneta!
Host: Sino ang kauna-unahang Chess Grandmaster
(Eugene Torre) of Asia?
Contestant: Carole KING?
Host: Hindi, mas mababa sa king.
Contestant: Al QUINN?
Host: Hindi, tagalog ang apelyido niya.
Contestant: Armida Siguion-REYNA?
Host: Hindi pa rin. Mas mababa sa reyna.
Contestant: BISHOP Bacani?
Host: Mas mababa sa bishop.
Contestant: Johnny MidNIGHT?
Host: Mas mababa sa Knight.
Contestant: Jerry PONS?
Host: Oh, ayan na, nabanggit mo
na lahat ng piyesa sa Chess. Yung
kahuli-hulihang piyesa na lang.
Contestant: Sylvia laTORRE!
Host: Sino ang national hero
na naka-picture sa 500 Peso bill? Clue,
may initials na N.A. (Ninoy Aquino)
Contestant: Nora Aunor?
Host: Hindi. Ang pangalan
niya ay nage-end sa "Y".
Contestant: Guy Aunor?
Host: Hindi. Dati siyang Senador.
Contestant: Si Former Senator Guy Aunor?
Host: Hindi. Patay na siya.
Contestant: ANO??!! PATAY NA
One more, dagdag:
Host: What "K" (kalabaw)
is the national animal of the Philippines?
Contestant: Kuto?
Host: Hinde. Clue, it tills the land.
Contestant: Kutong Lupa!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Prayer for Mothers
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Inspirations To Live By....It's Not An Easy Road
It's not an easy road we are traveling to Heaven
For many are the thorns on the way
It's not an easy road but the Savior is with us
His presence giving us joy everyday.
No, no, it's not an easy road,
Not an easy road they say
But Jesus walks beside us and brightens the journey
He lightens every heavy load we carry.
It is not an easy road,there are trials and troubles
And many are the dangers we meet
But Jesus guards and keeps us so that nothing can harm us
And smoothen the path for our weary feet.
( Life is really not an easy road, let us be guided by these quotes from the Bible,
Matthew 10:38,John 16:33, Romans 5:3-4,Hebrews 12:1-2 and the song below)
'Til We See Christ
Oft times the day seems long
Our trials hard to bear
We're tempted to complain,to murmur and despair
But there's one in Heaven who knows our deepest care
Let Jesus solve our problems
Just go to Him in prayers
It will be worth it all
When we see Jesus
Life's trials seem so small
When we see Christ
One glimpse of His dear face
All sorrows will be erased
So gently run the race
'Til we see Christ !!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Isang Pananaw
Umiigting, nag-aalab ibayong paghanga sa puso ko
Di maiwasang ikumpara ng abang lingkod nyo
Kapalarang sa kanya'y kaloob ng Diyos at Poon ko.
Minsan pa'y di mapalagay, humabi muli ng tula
Upang maihayag damdaming nagpupumiglas
Desididong sarili'y lumaya nang talaga
Patulong sa KANYA nang tuluyang lumigaya.
Tunay na napakalaki ng nagawa
Ng JRI Batch '63 Blog sa inyong lingkod na aba
Panginoon nati'y inaaliw kata
Sa mga problemang nakaukol, nakabadya.
Si Balagtas na sa hirap, karakter ay naporma
Sa loob ng piitan, kay raming pagdurusa
Sabi nya'y " Walang mangyayari sa balat ng lupa
Di may kagalingang Inyong ninanasa."
Sabi naman sa Bibliya,lahat dapat ipagpasalamat
Sa pangalan ni Hesus na bugtong na anak
Pagka't lahat ng bagay nagkakalakip na gumagawa
Sa ikabubuti ng mga taong nag -sisiibig sa Kanya.
Anong napakagandang pangako na kanyang sinalita
Panghahawakang mahigpit pagka't magandang giya
Ano pa kaya tayo kung wala Siya
Na sa ati'y sumusubaybay at nag-aandukha?
Isinukong buhay sa Kanyag kagustuhan
Para di tayo magdusa habang ito'y dinadalisay
Ang kailangan nati'y matibay na paniniwala
Sa Kanya na may akda ng ating buhay.
Tanggapin ninyo aking taos pusong paghanga,kaeskwela't kaibigan
Tanging habilin ko'y sa Diyos angking buhay iaalay
Pasasalamat sa Kanya'y palaging ibigay
At ibayong pagpapala pa ang inyong makakamtan.
" Lubos-lubos na kasiyahan
Nag-uumapaw na kaligayahan
Bigay ng Panginoon kong mahal
Dala ng mga kaeskwela't kaibigan ".
JRI Batch '63, lahat tayo'y dumaranas
Iba't ibang bagyo ng buhay
Subali't lahat tayo'y nagtagumpay
Kay galing-galing nating tunay !
Sunday, May 3, 2009
An Interesting Reflection Piece
1. Focus on enjoying people, not on indulging in or accumulating
material things.
2. Plan to spend whatever you have saved. You deserve to enjoy
it and the few healthy years you have left. Travel if you can afford
3. Don't leave anything for your children or loved ones to quarrel
about. By leaving something, you may even cause more trouble when you
are gone.
4. Live in the here and now, not in the yesterdays and tomorrows.
It is only today that you can handle. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow
may not even happen.
5. Enjoy your grandchildren (if blessed with any) but don't be
their full time baby sitter. You have no moral obligation to take
care of them. Don't have any guilt about refusing to baby sit
anyone's kids, including your own grandkids. Your parental obligation
is to your children.
After you have raised them into responsible adults, your duties of
child-rearing and babysitting are finished. Let your children raise
their own off-springs.
6. Accept physical weakness, sickness and other physical pains.
It is a part of the ageing process. Enjoy whatever your health can
7. Enjoy what you are and what you have right now. Stop working
hard for what you do not have. If you don't have them, it's probably
too late.
8. Enjoy your life with your spouse, children, grandchildren and
friends. People, who truly love you, love you for yourself, not for
what you have. Anyone who loves you for what you have will just give
you misery. And you'd probably know that by now.
9. Forgive and accept forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others.
Enjoy peace of mind and peace of soul.
10. Don,t be afraid of death. It's a natural
part of the life cycle. This is all you have on Earth.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Meeting About the Reunion of the Decade
We discussed the various pre-reunion preparations to be undertaken and created committees to take charge of the tasks for the activities. Here are some suggestions:
* Activities:
Day 1 Jan.17-- Picnic with Families at Mans Forest Resort in Limay.
Assembly: 9:am, Violeta's Residence
Food : Potluck by Group ,the Food Committee will assign the food
to be brought.
Program : Games, Special Numbers, Balik-Tanaw sa High School Days
Day 2 Jan.18 --Overnight Stay at Raven Resort,Abucay. A Cook-out is ideal.
Day 3 Jan.19---Dinner Dance (Semi-Formal)
We will invite two dance instructors (DI)
* Others:
T-Shirts with the appropriate print will be provided to batchmates for the
attire for the picnic.
Souvenir items like mugs with the appropriate design for our batch
will be sold. The proceeds of which will go to our funds.
Car- pooling for the transport to venues.
An anticipated thanksgiving mass on Saturday Jan.16 at 5:30 pm will be
A bimonthly regular meeting will be held to follow up status of
assigned tasks to the committees.
* Committees
Food :Violet, Siony,Lagrimas,Julita, Lucing
Program/Invitation : Emma, Luz,Julie, Aida
Venue/Accomodations: Rollie, Joey
Transport : Fredo, Ramon
Finance/ : Belen, Rosa, Eling, Ofelia,Mercy
Prizes : Balikbayan Batchmates
The delicious "palidosdos" prepared by Violeta and the ever funny jokes of
Fredo made this meeting another moment to remember.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Believe It or Not : 'Swine Flu' No Longer Exists, says US Government
Government says 'swine flu' no longer exists
--WND Exclusive --